Soup and Weight Loss

Soup is wonderful during these extra cold days and now, research shows soup can actually help you lose weight.


Soup fills you up 

Even though you might have thought that solid food would fill you up more than soup, the opposite is  true.  People report feeling fuller after eating soup than they do food of the same calorie value.

Soup decreases gastric emptying time

One of the reasons soup helps you feel full is that soup delays gastric emptying (the time it takes for your stomach to digest and empty) which makes you feel fuller for longer. 

Soup helps you eat less

Studies have shown that preloading with a low calorie soup before a meal reduces how much you eat by 20%. 

Soup increases diet induced thermogenesis

This is the production of heat that occurs after eating - where your body heats up to digest food.  Soup has been found to create more thermogenesis than solid food, which optimises your metabolic rate meaning you burn calories more effectively.

Soup increases your nutrition

Because soups are usually packed with vegetables, they are an easy way to maximise your vitamin intake.


So, soups are incredibly effective for weight loss.  FastFx now has a range of delicious, Formulated Meal Replacement Soups.  Great for adding variety if you are using FastFx Smoothies.

Made from actual vegetables

Unlike most other Meal Replacement Soups on the market, which are powdered and full of fillers, FastFx Soups are made from honest to goodness vegetables.

For example, when prepared, Optifast soup contains just 0.65% tomato powder, while FastFx soup has 74% actual tomatoes!

No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives

Containing only goodness, we heat treat the vegetables so the soup can last in your pantry.  Other soups use preservatives to make them shelf stable, we temperature.

Contains 18.8g of protein

Most supermarket soup contains no protein - but FastFx soup is packed with pea protein - which helps with healthy muscles, strong bones, cell repair and feeling full.  Trying to add protein to homemade soup usually means adding calories.  FastFx gets all the protein in without blowing out your calories, so your weight loss stays on track.

Quick and Easy

Having a prepared meal at your finger tips means you are less likely to reach for the unhealthy choice.  Perfect for those busy evenings.  Just mix, heat and eat.

Good for you and your waist line

Research Papers

Soup & Satiety

Soup Consumption is associated with a lower dietary energy density…

Soup consumption associated with reduced risk of overweight…

Soup preloads…

Soups increase satiety through delayed gastric emptying…