Packed with goodness

Good for your health and your waist line

Lose weight fast, without compromising your health.

Every ingredient backed by solid, scientific research.

Natural Flavours & No Preservatives
High in Plant based Protein
High in Amino Acids
High in Amino Acids
High in Prebiotics
High in Probiotics
High in  Protein & Fibre
High in Fibre
22 Organic Vitamins & Minerals
22 Organic Vitamins & Minerals
Dairy & Gluten Free
Dairy & Gluten Free
Learn More About Ingredients

Does it Work? - YES!

FastFx and every ingredient we use in it, is based on robust science. It has been carefully designed to be very low in calories but also contain all the micronutrients you need to stay healthy and keep your metabolism fuelled. 

Not only does the science speak to its effectiveness, but also the thousands of customers who use it.

Meal Replacements have been proven to help people lose weight quicker than traditional dieting.

Research also shows that when weight is lost using a Meal Replacement, it is less likely to be put on than traditional dieting.

Ingredients with Integrity

Our team of experts hand pick every ingredient, committed to only using ingredients with robust science and efficacy - only using ingredients that have been proven to work. We are unapologetic in our use of premium ingredients - meaning sometimes they are reassuringly expensive. We encourage you to look closely - nothing you can’t pronounce, honest, clean, plant based ingredients.

How many meals should I replace?

Fast and Furious

Determined to make this your turning point?

Replace all 3 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with FastFx for the ultimate weight loss.

If you;
- Want to lose a lot of weight
- Want to lose it quickly
- Are highly motivated
- Are disciplined
- Want to lose approx 2-4 kilos per week

Get Started
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Balanced and Focused

Replace any 2 meals a day with FastFx and eat 1 healthy meal.

If you;

  • Are determined to lose weight
  • Know it would be hard to replace all your meals
  • Want to lose approx 1-2 kilos per week
  • Have to cook for others or eat out occasionally
  • Have a bit more time to lose weight
Get Started
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Slow and Steady

Replace any 1 meal a day with FastFx and eat 2 healthy meals.

If you;
- Have a smaller amount to lose
- Prefer to lose it slowly and steadily
- Have lost weight and now want to keep it off
- Want an easy way to top up your daily nutrients

Get Started
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Why is Pea Protein so good?

  • Muscle health
  • Strong bones
  • Good metabolism
  • Heart health
  • Cell repair
  • Microbiome health

Learn More

You may be interested in

FastFx - Salted Caramel
FastFx - Green Apple
FastFx - Mixed Berry

Weight Loss FAQs

How does FastFx work?
How do I use FastFx? -

You mix 3 level scoops (included in the bag) with 350-500ml of cold water (or a mixture of water & milk depending on your taste preference).  You then drink that smoothie instead of a meal.  You can replace up to 3 meals a day with FastFx.

If you are replacing all 3 meals, then you should also eat 2 cups of non-starch vegetables & 1 teaspoon of oil per day (see below for the types of vegetables we recommend and why we suggest the oil).

How much should FastFx be diluted? +
Should I mix FastFx with water or milk? +
Can I mix flavours? +
How many meals should I replace? +
How long can I be on FastFx? +
What is Ketosis? +
Is FastFx a Keto Diet? +
Why does FastFx seem to be high in carbohydrates? +
Why does FastFx seem to be high in sugars? +
Why is FastFx sometimes difficult to mix? +
Is there a scoop inside the bag? +
What is special about FastFx flavours? +
Is FastFx low FODMAP? +
Why does the packet say not to be used if you are over 65 years? +
Can I use FastFx if I am pregnant? +
Can I use FastFx when I am breastfeeding? +
How do I use the FastFx Soups? +
What are the FastFx Dressings? +
Can someone with Diabetes use FastFx? +
What is TotALL and how is it different from FastFx? +
What should I do if I don't like the taste? +
Which are the most popular flavours? +
What is Essentials? +
What else can I eat?
If I just replace 1 or 2 meals, what else should I eat? +
What vegetables can I eat on the 3/day programme? +
What else can I drink? +
Is it OK to have tea and coffee? +
Why do I need to add a teaspoon of Oil to my daily vegetables? +
Can I add ingredients to my FastFx Smoothie? +
Weight Loss
How much will I lose? +
Why has my weight loss plateaued? +
Is it safe to lose weight that fast? +
Why a Meal Replacement? Why not just eat healthily? +
Won't I just put the weight back on? +