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How to treat gut problems

IBS and gut-related issues often don’t have a long-term cure, so the focus of treatment is on reducing symptoms.

Two simple steps

Symptoms can be minimised by;

Step 1 - Use Eliminate Meal Replacement

to replace 1, 2 or all 3 meals.

This gives the gut a chance to rest by minimising food triggers (FODMAPs), while still delivering complete nutrition.

Step 2 - Add Alleviate

prebiotic fibre supplement to help minimise gut symptoms like bloating, cramps, wind, constipation and diarrhoea. It also helps to nourish healthy bacteria and rebalance gut microbiome.

You can continue using both products in conjunction for as long as required.

Why is Gut Health important?

Your gut plays a vital role in your overall health, influencing far more than just digestion. While its primary function is to break down food and absorb nutrients, the gut microbiome also impacts immunity, heart health, and metabolism. It also serves as the centre of the gut-brain axis, affecting mood, cognition, and energy levels.

When gut health is compromised, it can lead to painful and unpleasant symptoms like bloating, wind, cramps, and bowel urgency, —often causing stress and embarrassment. An imbalanced gut microbiome doesn’t just affect the gut; it can also contribute to brain fog, low mood, and fatigue.

Doctors now recognise that optimal gut health is essential for overall well-being, making it a key focus for improving both physical and mental health.

Backed by medicine

With more patients struggling with gut issues than ever before—and growing research confirming the gut microbiome’s impact on overall well-being—Dr. Patrick and the HealthFx team set out to create a range of science-backed products to help with gut concerns and support digestive health.

Our approach to developing these products was simple: minimise gut irritants while incorporating natural ingredients that help soothe digestive discomfort.

Created in collaboration with The MacMurray Centre and certified Low FODMAP by Monash University, our products are designed to support optimal gut health and comfort.